Children’s Ministries

All About the Youth



In our church, we believe that children’s ministry exists to connect the youth to God. In addition, the children’s ministry promotes and fosters an amazing community outreach program.



Our ministry exists to provide youth with tools and resources to help them ignite their passions, deepen their faith in Jesus, and lead to a Christ-centered life.



We believe our children’s department presents youth opportunities to express their unique talents for ministry and empowers them to live bold lives of mission and purpose.

Discover the church

An Overview Of

Children's Ministry

Dr. Enacio Hunt

Dr. Enacio Hunt

Children Ministry Leader

What is Children’s  Ministry about?

Children’s Ministry exists to lead children to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide the context in which children can befriend each other and become friends with God.

What do we care about?

Children’s Ministry is committed to coming alongside families in a way that helps strengthen and grow them. We look forward to connecting with you and growing with you and your children as we experience God’s love together.